Health workers in one region in Uganda are still hesitant to vaccinate against COVID-19

1,453 health workers out of the 5,413 in the Acholi Sub Region have shunned taking the vaccination against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Health workers are a priority category for COVID-19 vaccinations by the World Health Organisation and are on the list in Uganda.   The health workers are operating in various health facilities in the…

Indoor Residual Spraying is failing to control malaria infections

The Indoor Residual Spray-IRS conducted by the Ministry of Health to control malaria infections in Serere district has not led to a reduction in malaria cases in health facilities according to health authorities. Serere district had its second IRS using Fludora Fusion insecticide in April this year, which covered 98.9 percent of the households. Actellic chemical…

COVID-19 survivors demand discharge certificates to stop stigma

COVID -19 survivors in Gulu are demanding discharge certificates to counter stigma and segregation from their communities. The survivors who underwent home-based care management and later tested negative for the virus say they continue facing stigma, segregation, rejection and isolation from the communities. Santos Comboni Okwera, a resident of Kanyagoga ‘A’ Sub –Ward in Bardege…