Unclaimed Bodies Draining Moroto Hospital

Moroto Regional Referral Hospital is facing significant challenges in disposing of unclaimed bodies abandoned by relatives. The hospital administrators have decried the financial burden of burying the bodies, as families are neglecting their responsibility to claim their deceased loved ones.  The unclaimed corpses include individuals who have died from gunshot wounds, alcohol abuse, and other…

Ishaka Seventh-day Adventist Hospital Seeks Funding for Modern Maternity Block

Ishaka Seventh-day Adventist Hospital, a faith-based private, not-for-profit institution owned by the Seventh-Day Adventist Church Uganda Union was initially established as a dispensary in 1948 and later became a missionary hospital in 1950 The hospital is seeking Shillings 3 billion to construct a state-of-the-art maternity block. Based in Bushenyi-Ishaka municipality, the hospital serves patients from…

Clerics Weigh in On Surrogacy

As the prevalence of the challenges of infertility rises among men and women, there is a growing trend in Uganda towards Assisted Reproductive Technology. This shift has led to the establishment of numerous fertility clinics in Kampala, offering hope to couples seeking to conceive. Assisted Reproductive Technology involves the fertilization of a woman’s eggs with a man’s sperm…

Sky High: Buliisa district records 417 teenage pregnancies in three months

Health experts in Buliisa have raised concerns about the increasing cases of teenage pregnancies.  Statistics at the district health department indicate that the district recorded 417 cases of teenage pregnancies between January and March this year.  Dr. Alex Afeti, the Buliisa District Health officer-DHO says that of the 1,898 total pregnancies registered at the various…

Ethionamide Dropped from TB Treatment due to Complaints of Manhood Problems

The antibiotic drug Ethionamide has been discontinued as a treatment option for tuberculosis (TB) due to numerous complaints from men experiencing manhood problems. Ethionamide, a second-line therapy for TB, was commonly used in combination with other drugs for the treatment of Multi-Drug Resistant (MDR) TB.  However, the reported side effects have led health experts to…