Leaders divided over ‘COVID-19 immunity certificates’ for journalists

BY SAM WAKHAKHA On December 6, 2022, the presidential press secretary, Farouk Kirunda issued an order barring journalists without COVID-19 vaccination certificates from covering State House functions.  In a notice sent to news editors and managers on December 2, Kirunda, said journalists who do not have COVID-19 vaccination certificates would not be allowed to cover…

Leaders Ask For Daily Food Supplies For Nodding Syndrome Affected Families

Leaders in Pader district have asked the government for consistent food supplies for families with children suffering from nodding syndrome. Rtd Col. Fearless Obwoya, the Pader District LC V chairperson, says that families with children suffering from the nodding syndrome have no time to engage in productive business or agriculture because they are preoccupied with…

Uganda distributed 60 percent less bed nets compromising its vector control efforts

Uganda has been listed among countries that didn’t fully utilize one of the malaria prevention strategies of bed net distribution in 2021.  According to new data released by the World Health Organization-WHO on Thursday, the country distributed less than 60 percent of the nets that they were supposed to distribute. Uganda is categorized together with…

About 2,000 teenage girls got pregnant per annum during the COVID-19 pandemic

Nearly 2,000 baby deliveries by teenagers were registered at the various health facilities at the Bidi Bidi Refugee settlement at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in Uganda. Records at the International Rescue Committee (IRC) indicate that over 4,000 girls under 18 years reported their first Antenatal Care (ANC) visit at various health facilities in Bidibidi…

Norway supports eastern Uganda in reproductive health rights awareness

Two districts in eastern Uganda have received UGX 16.8 billion Shillings from the Norwegian government for creating awareness for sexual and reproductive health and rights among adolescents in the area.  Kamuli and Mayuge districts have received funding for activities under a three-year project dubbed “My Body, My Life, My World” geared towards empowering girls and young women…

Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic fever confirmed as cause of 12 year old boy’s death

Five people from the same family in Nakasongola District have been placed under close monitoring by health officials following the death of a child from the Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF). The family who are residents of  Kikoyiro village in Lwampanga sub-county are close contacts of a 12-year-old boy who succumbed to the viral disease.…