Vaginal Ring, Injection ARVs to be Included as PrEP Options in Uganda

The Ministry of Health will this year add the vaginal ring and injectable anti-retroviral therapy cabotegravir to the list of options for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV-negative individuals who are at high risk of infection. Dr. Joshua Musinguzi the AIDS Control Programme Manager at the Ministry of Health told URN in an interview that they are…

Wife Endures Beatings, Hunger in Mandatory Post-Ebola Fasting

Twenty-two-year old Jhalia Nassiwa is one of the 87 survivors of the recent outbreak of Ebola Viral Disease that was declared by the World Health Organization and authorities in Uganda last month. While for many life has returned to normal, treatment centers closed and health workers returned to their pre-outbreak schedules, Nassiwa’s told URN that life has…

Uganda’s biggest referral hospitals lack eye experts to screen premature babies on blindness risk

Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) in two of the country’s biggest referral facilities are operating on babies without an eye expert to assess for Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP), a condition that causes blindness among premature babies. In a new study done by researchers at Makerere University and released on Wednesday, experts found that Retinopathy of Prematurity causes…