Climate summary

Climate summary: July 2022 surface air temperature: Globally, July 2022 was one of three warmest Julys on record, close to 0.4°C above the 1991-2020 reference period, marginally cooler than July 2019 and marginally warmer than July 2016 Northern hemisphere land masses see predominantly well above-average temperatures Below average temperatures along the western Indian Ocean, from…

WHO publishes first guidelines for two Ebola treatments

Following a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials, the World Health Organization (WHO) has published its first guideline for Ebola virus disease therapeutics with new strong recommendations for the use of two monoclonal antibody treatments: mAb114 (Ansuvimab; Ebanga) and REGN-EB3 (Inmazeb).  WHO calls on the global community to increase access to these lifesaving medicines. …

Religious, Cultural Institutions need to amplify Children Covid-19 Vaccine message for uptake

By Shiprah Kwagala              In an effort to improve vaccine uptake, the Uganda government has asked religious and cultural institutions to collaborate with it to mobilise citizens during the upcoming mass vaccination drive against Covid-19 this month. The same strategy of collaboration between UNAIDS and the Buganda kingdom attained maximum…

Highlights of coverage from the end of the Montreal AIDS 2022 conference and post-conference

 By AVAC team AVAC’s Look Back at Montreal  Racism, and colonialism Daily Maverick (South Africa) reports on the protest at the opening session: Activists took over the stage at the opening of the AIDS 2022 conference in Montreal, Canada, last week to protest against the refusal of visas to hundreds of delegates, primarily from Africa,…

People with disabilities ask for inclusion in Covid-19 mass vaccination exercises

By Shiprah Kwagala Leaders for People With Disabilities-PWDS have asked the Covid-19 task forces for inclusion in mass vaccination campaigns. After over a year since the government embarked on championing a drive for vaccination against Covid-19, leaders of people with disabilities are worried that a number of their colleagues remain unvaccinated because of different challenges linked…

Let’s talk food insecurity and why: US and Russia officials in Uganda

The United States Ambassador to the United Nations Thomas Greenfield Linda has said her visit to Uganda this week is aimed at having a conversation with African countries on how to overcome the skyrocketing food prices. Greenfield Linda’s visit comes at the heels of Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov who visited uganda recently. But she says…

Uganda: Expedite passing the reviewed breastfeeding regulations to protect babies rights

A Uganda based non-profit has filed a constitutional petition challenging the government’s inaction on regulating work places and breastfeeding. Their petition highlights gaps in the legal regime affecting the ability of mothers to breastfeed their babies for the recommended six months of exclusive breast milk. David Kabanda, the Executive Director Center for Food and Adequate…

USD $7.4 Million for Vaccination Action Network to bolster Covid-19 vaccine demand in Africa

A USD$7.4 million Vaccination Action Network (VAN) has been launched by the Rockefeller Foundation for sub Saharan Africa. VAN will be locally-led, peer-to-peer learning initiative designed to engage public health decision-makers across sub-Saharan Africa and bolster their efforts to strengthen health systems while scaling up Covid-19 vaccine demand strategies.  The network is already connecting ministry of…