A ‘Mysterious Tropical Disorder’ Is Devastating Families in Northern Uganda

https://globalpressjournal.com/africa/uganda/mysterious – tropical disorder-devatating- families-northern-uganda/Patricia Lindrio, Global Press Journal Uganda KITGUM, UGANDA — Betty, 22, sits on the ground outside her home eating a mango. She chews the fruit with difficulty; her tongue has become heavy after years of constant biting. A group of children runs and plays a few feet away. Betty smiles and gestures at them.…

Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping Cuts Premature Baby Mortality Risk by Over a Third

Waiting for two minutes or longer to clamp the umbilical cord of a premature baby likely reduces the risk of death soon after birth, compared with immediately clamping the cord or waiting a shorter time, according to two studies published in The Lancet. In a groundbreaking revelation, two companion systematic reviews and meta-analyses studies suggest that…

Risk of dying from cancer in some poorer districts of England over 70% higher than wealthy districts, study suggests

The risk of dying from the 10 forms of cancer with the largest death toll for men and women varies massively depending on the district in England where people live, according to a study published in The Lancet Oncology.  Cancer is now the leading cause of death in England, having overtaken cardiovascular diseases, however there…

Uganda Virus Research Institute Secures Five-Year Funding Extension for HIV Research and Treatment

The Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI) has secured a five-year grant extension, further fortifying its efforts in HIV treatment, diagnosis, and research, aligning with global endeavors to combat the HIV epidemic. Prof Pontian Kaleebu, the executive director of UVRI, announced the renewed funding at an end-of-year staff gathering officiated by Dr. Diana Atwiine, the permanent…

Ministry of Health Issues Caution Regarding Nicotine Replacement Therapies

The Ministry of Health (MoH) has issued a warning against the utilization of Nicotine Replacement Therapies, emphasizing that nicotine, regardless of its form or concentration, poses health risks. These therapies, which are medically sanctioned methods for addressing tobacco use disorder by administering nicotine through non-tobacco means such as gum, patches, sprays, inhalers, or lozenges, were…

UAC Aims at Mobilizing Phone Users for the Expanded One Dollar Initiative

  In the expanded One Dollar Initiative (ODI), the Uganda Aids Commission (UAC) is endeavoring to secure a minimum contribution of one dollar, equivalent to approximately 4,000 Uganda Shillings, from each mobile phone user in Uganda. The aim is to generate sufficient funds to support various HIV/AIDS interventions across the country. Launched in Uganda in…

Luwero District Imposes Restrictions on Trainees Handling Patients Without Supervision

The Luwero District Administration has recently imposed a ban on medical trainees engaging in the handling and administration of treatments to patients in health centers without the direct supervision of authorized personnel. Each year, Luwero district accommodates over 200 medical students from various institutions for practical training at health centers IIIs, IVs, and Luwero hospital.…

Patient Receives First Organ Transplant at Mulago Hospital After a Two-Year Wait

Mulago National Referral Hospital successfully initiated its transplant program, marked by a triumphant kidney transplant surgery last Wednesday. Dr. Frank Asiimwe, head of the Transplant Unit, revealed that the recipient, who had been grappling with end-stage kidney disease for two years, finally underwent surgery after an extended period on dialysis. Initially, preparations for the inaugural…

Study Failure for HIV Prevention for Girls, Raises Concerns Over Program Implementation

A new study conducted by the Makerere University School of Public Health has unveiled that the substantial financial investment, amounting to billions, in social interventions aimed at safeguarding girls and young women from HIV has not yielded the desired results. The Global Fund, in an initiative to promote girls’ education, allocated a substantial sum of…

Cross-Border Travel from Uganda to Kenya for FGM Services Posing Challenges in Eradication Efforts

Activists have shed light on the persistent challenge of porous borders and cross-border relations impeding the complete eradication of female genital mutilation (FGM) in the Karamoja region. Emphasizing the need for a regionally integrated approach, they assert that tackling this age-old practice requires coordinated efforts. Speaking at a media briefing in Entebbe on Wednesday, representatives…