Five innovations that could help to eliminate malaria

Recently approved malaria vaccines have reinvigorated hopes of eliminating the disease, but other innovations are in development that could further bolster these efforts.  12 March 2024 by Linda Geddes Malaria vaccination in Cameroon. Credit: Gavi/2024/Go’tham Industry Malaria is one of the greatest infectious killers in human history and, despite recent control efforts, an estimated 600,000…

Can artificial intelligence techniques help clinicians assess and treat patients with bone fractures?

Investigators have applied artificial intelligence techniques to gait analyses and medical records data to provide insights about individuals with leg fractures and aspects of their recovery.   The study, which is published in the Journal of Orthopaedic Research, uncovered a significant association between the rates of hospital readmission after fracture surgery and the presence of…

Facial recognition for dogs? In Tanzania, it’s helping keep track of rabies vaccination

Microchipping is expensive; paper vaccination booklets can get lost or swapped. So how can vaccinators ensure canine community members aren’t at risk of contracting – and transmitting – rabies? There’s an app for that, learns James Karuga. 23 April 2024 by James Karuga On a typical day, Godbless Felix, a rabies vaccinator, enters a home accompanied…

African Nations Launch Large-Scale Malaria Vaccine Rollout

In a significant stride toward malaria prevention in Africa, Benin, Liberia, and Sierra Leone commenced a large-scale rollout of the life-saving malaria vaccine targeting millions of children across the three West African nations. This initiative, announced on World Malaria Day, aims to enhance vaccine deployment in the African region. The launch extends access to comprehensive…