A decade after the world’s deadliest outbreak, treatments have been developed but aren’t available to people who need them most

As the world marks ten years since the deadliest Ebola outbreak that killed more than 11,000 people in West Africa, the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) warned today that, while two treatments now exist, they are still not readily available, including in countries where Ebola is endemic. Instead, all Ebola…

Dramatic Demographic Shifts Expected Globally, Lancet Study Reveals

A groundbreaking study published in The Lancet unveils alarming projections about the future of global fertility rates and livebirth patterns, painting a portrait of a world on the brink of dramatic demographic transformation. By the year 2050, the study forecasts that over three-quarters of countries worldwide—155 out of 204—will face fertility rates insufficient to sustain…

When embarking on the journey to start a family, timing plays a pivotal role

A recent Cochrane review exploring methods to enhance the likelihood of successful conception suggests that timed intercourse using urine ovulation tests likely improves live birth and pregnancy rates in women under 40 who have been actively trying to conceive for less than 12 months, compared to intercourse without ovulation prediction. Conducted collaboratively with researchers from…