Africa has zero access to monkeypox vaccines; US has 60 doses per case reported

The U.S. holds nearly 80% of the Jynneos vaccine used to fight monkeypox, despite having only 35% of the global monkeypox cases, even as many countries go without access to any doses, according to a Public Citizen analysis of public records estimates released today. African countries where monkeypox is endemic, including the Democratic Republic of…

Global COVID-19 response abandoned people in lower-income countries, says report

A litany of issues preventing people in low and middle-income countries from accessing COVID-19 vaccines, tests, and treatments have been misrepresented as vaccine hesitancy, according to new report from Matahari Global Solutions, the People’s Vaccine Alliance, and the International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC). Researchers studying communities in fourteen low and middle income countries and territories…