Science café; Menstrual hygiene

ACTIVITY REPORT Facilitator: Esther Nakkazi Implementing Partner: Health Journalists Network in Uganda (HEJNU) Reporting period: March 2016 HEJNU: Undertake behavioral change communication / Menstrual Hygiene   ACTIVITY: Science café to facilitate dissemination of information concerning Menstrual Hygiene to the public through various media houses. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION:    This activity was a science café held as…

Science Café report: PrEP at Kagote health centre III

Name of person responsible /Facilitator: Esther Nakkazi  Café Name/Title: HIV Prevention Sponsor: AVAC Organized: Health Journalists Network in Uganda  Speaker’s names: Dr. Emmanuel Mugisa HIV – PMTCT Coordinator; Baylor Uganda  Kakwezi Henry, Nurse, Kagote Health Center III  Katusabe Beatrice; User, Kagote Health Center III Date Cafe held: June 21, 2018 Café objectives (The learning objectives…


Government seeks to test 320,000 HIV positive people. Makerere Joint Aids Program(MJAP) has devised new models for HIV testing though targeted community outreaches with index clients,assisted partner mitigation and pattern testing. MJAP reveals 1,35million people in Uganda living with HIV/AIDs. HIV prevalence at 14years old for both girls and boys stands off at 0.5% while…

Straight talk Uganda wants regulation of illicit alcohol among youth

Straight Talk Foundation (STF) steps up the game on advocating for the regulation of illicit Alcohol among the youth. Red Card campaign has strives to register success in teacher training, peer education, engagement with district and national level advocacy and provision of information on the dangers of underage alcohol consumption. Underage alcohol consumption exposes one…