Religious Leaders Blamed for Hindering Efforts to Curb Teenage Pregnancies in Uganda

Stakeholders from civil society organizations, politicians, and the medical fraternity have criticized religious leaders for hindering campaigns aimed at reducing rampant teenage pregnancies in Uganda. This criticism was voiced during the Kigezi Regional Dialogue on Sexual Reproductive Health Rights, organized by the Non-Governmental Organization Local Sustainable Communities (LOSCO) at White Horse Inn, Kabale. Kabale District…

Everything you need to know about the brain-eating amoeba that’s killed three children in Kerala

Although deaths from amoebic meningoencephalitis are rare, they could become more common because of climate change. 18 July 2024 By Linda Geddes After three children in Kerala, India, died, and a fourth was infected, the “brain-eating amoeba” Naegleria fowleri is back in the spotlight.  Each year, sporadic cases are reported in hot and humid areas of…

New Bereavement Care Service Launched for Families Grieving Terminal Illness Losses

Families grieving for relatives who succumbed to terminal illnesses can benefit from a new grief and bereavement care service being piloted by palliative care providers. Iddi Matovu, a Public Health Specialist at Kitovu Mobile in Masaka, explained that they embarked on research to support caregivers and relatives after realizing many suffer profound agony and sometimes…

Reliance on Traditional Birth Attendants Drives High Obstetric Fistula Rates in Busoga, Say Gynecologists

Gynecologists have raised concerns that reliance on traditional birth attendants (TBAs) is significantly contributing to the high incidence of obstetric fistula in the Busoga region. Obstetric fistula is an abnormal opening between a woman’s genital tract and her urinary tract or rectum, typically caused by prolonged, obstructed labor. This condition often leaves women leaking urine,…

West Nile Health Workers Benefit from New Electronic Recruitment Hub

Health workers in the West Nile region are sighing with relief following the commissioning of an electronic recruitment system hub for the sub-region. The facility, located at Arua Regional Referral Hospital’s Out Patients Department (OPD) in Arua city, is equipped with six computers, a printer, and a Wi-Fi router. While commissioning the facility on Wednesday,…