The Health Journalists Network in Uganda (HEJNU) in partnership with the AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition (AVAC) will hold its second Science Café today, Wednesday 4th February 2015 starting at 2-5 pm in Ntinda, Muteesa II Road.
This second science café, will focus on ARV-based prevention in the wake of the CROI results. A lot of discussion will focus on the Partners Demo results that were released recently and what they mean for Uganda.
The speakers will be Dr. Nulu Bulya, talking about the Partners’ PrEP Demo Study; Charles Brown talking about PrEP with a civil society perspective. He has spent the last year doing advocacy towards development of PrEP guidelines for Uganda and Dr. Clemensia Nakabiito, from Makerere University Johns Hopkins University Collaboration (MUJHU) a Microbicides expert/scientist. Also present will be Margaret Happy, from ICW-EA Uganda, a Civil society rep with expertise in biomedical HIV prevention.
HEJNU, is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to increasing awareness about health care issues and improving health literacy among Africans.
Science Café’s present a platform for unique public engagement on issues that may be rather isolated from the general public including journalists. The Café will be held in an informal setting over drinks, tea and snacks that allows for a very casual interaction.
Discussions will be fluid and interactive through how the speaker engages with the audience in a casual manner. This may be one of the few opportunities that many you may get to interact with some of the guest speakers on such an informal yet personal level as well as generate story ideas and engage in thought provoking debate.
The HEJNU offices are located in Ntinda, Muteesa II Road, near stretcher road. It is the first office on the right and has the CIPESA sign post. Please confirm your presence with Wilfred on 0704292188