Yumbe School In Crisis Over Lack Of Sanitary Facilities

Lamgba Primary School, situated in the Arilo sub-county of Yumbe district, is grappling with a significant challenge when it comes to maintaining proper menstrual hygiene due to the absence of adequate sanitation facilities. This school, located near the Yumbe-Koboko border, currently operates without a functioning pit latrine. The only existing 5-stance pit latrine has fallen…

Alleged Diversion of Food for Nodding Syndrome Victims Prompts Investigation of Health Center In-Charge

The authorities in Pader district are currently probing the actions of the individual in charge of Atanga Health Center III over allegations of diverting maize flour intended for 42 children afflicted by nodding syndrome in Lapul Sub-County. The sequence of events began on August 10, 2023, when the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of Pader District…

Encouraging Public Servants to Contemplate Kyemba’s Exemplary and Ethical Career

Prominent senior lawmakers have expressed mounting apprehensions over the growing scarcity of public servants characterized by unswerving integrity. They have issued stern warnings that this predicament could potentially have severe repercussions for the future of Uganda, including the risk of internal conflicts. These concerns were raised during a parliamentary session where legislators paid their respects…